INSTAKREM : Done For You Video Editing & Posting For Instagram

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Access The New Way Real Estate Agents Are Boosting Their Authority And Celebrity On Instagram Using Custom Tailored Video Content

....without ever editing your own videos or making a single post!

  • Youtube Buildout
  • ​Done For You
  • ​Expert Virtual Media Advisor Consultation
  • Facebook Livestream
  • ​Customized Video Intro
  • ​Simple Podcast System
  • Simultaneous Streaming
  • ​1-2-3 Setup Form
  • ​Final Edit Review Session
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 Yes! I Want Nick Krem's Team To Build My Instagram For Me

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  • Completely customizable "done for you" video editing and posting for Instagram
  • The most compelling headlines and designs for your brand with each and every post
  • ​You get to plug into our proven repeatable process without having to recreate the wheel or start your content from square one
  • ​Each post is made from your own videos so your face, brand, voice, value, and message shines through each and every time
  • ​Get access to Nick Krem's Virtual Media Team
  • ​Our team of social media strategist are hands on every day editing, managing, and posting your content for you so you don’t have to even think about it!
  • Instantly raise your level of authority and credibility with your audience, market, and potential clients
  • ​Enjoy the benefits of being recognized as a real estate expert on Instagram ...and a social media specialist to your clients!

 Limited Availability. Secure Your Spot!


Here's Some More Of What You'll Be Getting:

How An Agent With Decades In The Real Estate Business Learned The Secret To Doubling His Yearly Revenue With Instagram

...see for yourself how he now earns multiple 6-figures!

Letter From Nick Krem,

If you struggle trying to figure out how to use Instagram to increase your income, then you need to pay attention to what I’m about to say.

I know Instagram is a massive opportunity for real estate agents but I don’t see anybody capitalizing on it.

Every day I see agents trying to market themselves and they are missing the mark by a huge margin.

Take Mike for example.

Mike was an established real estate agent but he was struggling.

Mike came to me because he heard through a friend that I was THE GUY to come to for social media marketing in the real estate space.

Mike confided in me that he didn’t understand social media.

It completely went over his head and he struggled to figure out how to navigate the sites and create content.

He had created a video for Instagram about a house he was trying to sell.

The camera was shaky, he talked in super-fast bursts or not at all, and he didn’t sound confident whatsoever.

Later that night he tried posting his video on Instagram.

He didn’t understand how videos on Instagram worked and so he tried to break his video up and post it in 6 different clumps.

This took Mike 45 minutes when really it should’ve taken 5.

Mike went to bed that night and was hopeful to see the comments and responses to his video.

Not only did Mike post this video at the completely wrong time but it was a janky nightmare trying to watch the video in its entirety.

 Mike's attempt to use Instagram to market himself was about to backfire.

Mike woke up the next day excited and full of energy. Unfortunately, that excitement quickly turned to dread and shame as the day dragged along.

In total, his 6 broken videos ended up receiving 4 likes, and a slew of nasty comments.

“Have you never held a camera before?”

“This guy is a joke”

Even one well-meaning commenter said, “you need serious help with your Instagram skills”.

Mike received 2 personal messages on Instagram over the next couple of days. They were from “social media managers” telling him that his attempt was bad and that they had a course he could buy that would solve all of his problems. Pretty bad marketing attempts but that’s beside the point.

Mike was crushed.

His wife tried to be comforting but even she acknowledged how bad it was.

Mike knew he was just too out of touch with this stuff to really master it. That’s when he reached out to his friend who had been having success with social media.

His friend had been using our Content Cardz service and knew that we were rolling out a new Instagram service pretty soon.

He told Mike that unlike all of the other “help” we would actually work with him side by side and teach him the skills to make this work.

So he reached out.

We assigned Mike one of our expert social media advisors and we got to work.

We completely reworked Mike's page, coached him on the type of content to create, and took his raw video and turned it into personally branded Instagram gold.

It wasn't easy and Mike had a lot to learn. But the results started to speak for themselves.

Tens of likes, and then hundreds of likes.

The new comments started to pop up saying how nice the house that Mike was showing was. They were even asking questions about the house and how to get in contact with Mike for a showing

Mike was finally starting to see the fruits of his labor. Once he got the basics down we moved on to more advanced strategies.

But Mike had his breakthrough, he was now effectively using Instagram to fill his pipeline with hungry and qualified leads.

No more restless nights filled with dread and shame because he couldn't figure out how to use social media. No more broken and trashy video segments splattered all over his profile. And no more nasty comments telling him how he was a joke.

You see Mike did something very hard for most people. He recognized that doing it on his own was not working. He realized that he was not cut out to learn and crank out all of his content marketing by himself.

But Mike also went one step further and did something even harder than that. Mike reached out for help.

But not from some amateur...

No, instead he reached out to me, Nick Krem. The social media consultant to the top 1% of real estate agent's in North America.

I've worked in real estate at every level. Starting out, I was in a call center for a couple of years, and then I became the sales manager of that call center.

Because I was so young I need to figure out how to get more leads in and more active customers to gain the respect that my older peers were holding back from me.

That is why I dove in headfirst to social media.

I realized that if I could create top quality content and effectively use that content to market myself I would be a step ahead of everyone else.

The average number of active customers I was used to working with was anywhere from 30 - 40. With my newfound content marketing strategies, I was holding steady at about 70. A new record for the office.

After a while, I felt like I couldn't grow anymore being the sales manager on that team.

That is why I co-founded my virtual media team.

After giving presentations across the country, creating the highest yield social media marketing strategies in the real estate world, and networking with some of the biggest names in the industry like Gene Frederick, Brent Grove, and Jay kinder. I have become the leading expert in social media marketing for real estate agents.

If you are like Mike at all, then what I am about to tell you is the most important thing you will read all week.

I want to introduce you to my brand new INSTAKREM.

This is the exact same program that we put Mike through that set him on the path is on right now.

And by the way…

Mike is absolutely killing it right now and has doubled his net profit for the year just by working with me.

Included in the service are things like:

✅ Video editing

✅ Video formatting

✅ Advising on what to post in your videos

✅ The graphic design we use in video

✅ Selecting and rotating hashtags

✅ Headline creation

✅ Managing your Instagram post schedule

✅ Adding subtitles to your videos

✅ Writing and creating post descriptions

✅ Choosing the best clips to use in your videos


Week in and week out I will make your content look great while still being consistent and reliable.

Click the button below and let’s get started.

I want to help more people like Mike kill it on Instagram and double their net profits in the coming year.

Just to be clear, this is not a "purchase the course, go through the course, and then feel lost at the end of it" product.

This is a specialized one-on-one Instagram marketing service.

Because it is so hands-on and so in-depth, I can only offer this service to a select few agents.

More openings will open up in the future, but for right now I only have space for 20 agents.

I have been told by previous clients that I do not charge enough for the service. 

I might listen to them sooner or later but for right now the price is starting at $995/month for 4 videos a week or $597 for 2 videos a week.

If you want to be one of those 20 or so agents that stands head and shoulders above the competition on Instagram, then click the button below to schedule a call with one of our expert social media advisors!

Like I said earlier I only have a certain number of spots available.

I also don't like to work with people who are not as committed to their success as I am.

This is a complete “done for you" service. You send us your raw unedited videos and we handle the rest. In addition to this, we also coach you on how to get the most out of your Instagram presence.

If you are struggling to make the most out of your Instagram presence like Mike was. Then this is your next step.

INSTA KREM was designed for agents like you who just don't quite know how to use Instagram to its fullest potential.

If you are ready for the next step, click the button below, and let's get started

- Nick Krem
Virtual Media Advisor To Top 1% Agents

Watch To See Why Agents Love Working With

Watch To See Why Agents Love Working With Nick Krem's Virtual Media Team:

Nick Krem's Virtual Media Team:


  •  Sold Over 4,300 Homes
  •  Former #2 Agent in the World with Coldwell Banker
  •  Co-Founder Of The National Association Of Expert Advisors
  • ​Client with InstaKREM & KREM Virtual Product Lines

Can You See Why So Many Agents Just Like You Are Customizing Their Instagram Videos With Nick Krem's Virtual Media Team?

Can You See Why So Many Agents Just Like You Are

Customizing Their Instagram Videos With

Nick Krem's Virtual Media Team?

Checkout what Nick Krem's team has done for agents just like you...

Here’s What Our Clients Have Been Saying:

Can You See Why So Many Agents Just Like You Have Been

Customizing Their Livestream With

Nick Krem's Team?

Checkout what Nick Krem's team has done for agents just like you...


Frequently Asked Questions

Is this really the best product for me?

This is the perfect product for you if you are already shooting video and you want your videos to be edited by a professional before you post them. 

If you want to establish a brand identity, presence, and loyalty while delivering value like clockwork. Then this is a great fit for you.

Is there a better product than this?

Our social media strategists are experts in the real estate industry and know exactly what message to put in front of your audience. 

You get to plug into proven repeatable processes without re-inventing the wheel or starting from square one. Our professionals will create the most compelling headlines and most effective graphic design for your personal brand. 

Each post is made from your videos so that your face, brand, voice, value, and message shines through each and every time.

Is this worth the investment?

Absolutely, you don't have to hire your own editors and the personal branding that we create is unique and will dramatically increase the number of highly qualified prospects coming in.

Even doubling it like Mike. 

Clients who watch and engage high-quality videos of you are going to be more comfortable to talk and reach out. I’ve seen time and time again, Instagram accounts with the most personally branded content, has the most growth and success.

Will the KREM Virtual Media Team take care of me and my brand?

You can count on our team of highly trained professionals to present you, your brand, and your real estate business in the best light possible each and every day.

Is something better going to come out in the near future?

Our team adjusts our designs and templates as trends changes within the marketplace as well as on social media. You can rest assured knowing that your brand will always be viewed as trendy, modern and always ahead of the curve.

Join The Virtual Home Selling Bootcamp

Learn How To Position Yourself As A Real Estate Expert In Today’s Virtual Market.

Join now and you get:

*6 Weekly Live Training Calls

*Access To Nick Krem & his Real Estate Media Team

*Exclusive Access To Celebrity Coaches

*Targets, Assignments, & Accountability

*Step By Step Process To Build An Audience Of Clients Using Facebook, Instagram, Podcasting, Funnels, LinkedIn, Email, Messenger, Text, Video, And More!

*Tools, Templates, & Strategies So You Can Add Value On Every Major Social Media Platform

*Repeatable Processes That Convert Content into Clients

Plus you get fast action bonuses of:

*Lifetime Access To The Virtual Home Selling Bootcamp Recordings ($1,497 Value)

*Free On-Demand Access To The 8 Hour Recording Of Live With Leaders ($7,920 Value)

Yes! I want to join the Virtual Home Selling Bootcamp!

DISCLAIMER: I can’t promise that you will grow your business with this program but I will assure you I would have grown my business faster had I known what I know today. While I can’t make you a financial guarantee, I do promise to advance your Instagram faster with me than without me……
 All Rights Reserved - K&L Advisors Ltd.
A letter from Nick Krem
April 2020
To ALL impacted by the recent virtual market shift:

Agents, just like you, affected by this unusual time have requested I open my
Virtual Home Selling Playbook to guide, instruct, and share my media team's exact templates and processes during these times.

I wanted to make a training workshop for you to get the help, guidance and assistance you need to make sure this set back doesn’t leave you and your family set back. 

This Virtual Home Selling Bootcamp will be to get you through this and to the other side better, faster and more confident. 

Our first call is next Thursday!

6 weeks of coaching calls, each designed to give exact strategies, to guide you so can you do more than just get by and so you and your family can expand.

In addition to exclusive, private live weekly video calls, you get immediate and unlimited Access to:

Podcasting Tactics And Strategies, Facebook Live Streaming, Youtube Live Streaming, LinkedIn Live Streaming, Video Intros And Outros, Podcasting Intros And Outros, Templates 

Become More Known Than Other Agents In Your Market
Position Yourself As An Expert Agent On Social Media
Have Your Content Seen On Every Major Platform




NEED MORE…..? Read on. 



Not to get negative, but the average person is going to get financially destroyed by this massive setback. 

The wealthy will take a hit but they will be the first back because they know how to pivot. 

 This is your opportunity to pivot and become something more. 

I will be sharing with you exact and precise specific strategies and actions I am using to ensure you’ll get through this and be bigger, better and more prosperous with a new life of abundance—regardless of the environment.

The time to take advantage of this is NOW. We start Thursday night but I want to get you some things to get started now…

So don’t miss out on this opportunity thinking that you’re just going to get through this recession by yourself.

The fact is, nobody who succeeds big ever does so by being a lone-ranger; not Bill Gates, Warren, Oprah, and Elon.

You will not make it through this alone and be better off. We ALL need a network of friends who can support us when times are tough. 

I promise you my 10X team and I are here for you. 

The only question is, are you ready?    

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